Friday, February 1, 2013

Kids Bliss

One's life has been drastically changed.  Lifestyles are adjusted; challenges have been coped; sacrifices are just being a part of it; ego and selfishness are getting faded; freedom is being revoked and most of the time one's struggling to get alone time or a break;  Feel like 24-hours a day is not enough for a day and tiredness and exhausts usually ends one's day, just to name a few.

If all or some of the above are hitting you?  Then, congratulations for your promotion and welcome to the parenthood :)

For instance, here are a few examples from myself:

Staying up late and cruising before computer or TV or whatever thing one like to do at home beyond midnight becomes a thing in the past.

Someone who hated to be waken up during the sound sleep have to get up countless times during the nights, especially when those little ones get sick.  At times, it involves cleaning up their puke and changing bed sheets during midnight or at dawn.

Someone who is so sensitive about dirt and disgusting stuff finds herself changing their diapers or having to wait and clean them up at the restrooms right in the middle of the meal.

Going out becomes a challenge and a hassle because it requires one to bring diapers, formula, jackets, stroller, extra clothes and so on and on.  A lot of the times, finding oneself feeding or changing diapers to that cute little one often at the shopping center.  Or chasing those little toddlers where one is running to the east and another towards the west instead of shopping.

Getting up late on Saturdays' mornings at the cost of a huge pile of messes everywhere around the house due to the outcome of their play.

Having to clean their stuff up from the dining table right before almost every meal becomes a routine of one's life.

Finding markers, marks, hand or foot prints on the wall of one's brand new house or a brand new expensive genuine leather couch or other expensive furniture in the house will no longer make one upset or have one to forget about what meltdown moments mean become pretty usual.

One can't keep up cleaning her car just because the back row of one's car where their car seats are and where they sit literally becomes a trash yard.

Put aside Pleasures, Eternity, No. 5 or Red Door or any other favorite perfumes one likes.  One often finds that baby puke is the defaulted fragrance you got.

One doesn't get any of her pick anymore for any outdoor places, restaurants or even the vacation spots. Family-friendly ones are by default. Period.

You give the designer bags up for their enrichment classes tuition fee or a piano or an ice skating shoes for them.

And so on and on and on...

Familiar some or all of the above?  Welcome to my world!!

But here is the good news...

The love flowing between you to them or from them to you alone keeps one's life perfect and wonderful.

You live your life for them and they are absolutely the meanings of it. They are the reasons which make your world spinning.

Your life goals and definitions are more refined because that incredible power of love you're getting is pushing you to work harder for a better life of your family.  This is what you come home for everyday even on the worst day.

You will never feel alone.  Never, ever and forever!!!

Those little noises and laughter make your life so colorful.  At times, their accomplishments and achievements make you a proud mama and brings nothing but ecstasy.

They make your heart so warm with those cute little gestures.

I broke with the exhaust and a meltdown moment just the other day so I went into our bedroom to get a timeout to calm myself down.  Soon after that I felt an extremely soft touch on my forehead by a soft and warm hand.  Apparently, the touch was so gentle and careful not to wake me up.  Wondering it might have been him who came and comforted me.  To my surprise, it was Sophie.  I saw her little face was loaded with lots of concerns for me.  Then she tried to reach to the dresser next to our bed for a glass of water she  brought with her and asked me to drink.  At the same time she gave me a gentle kiss on my face!  Oh my!! Can you feel my heart was melting?

Not long ago, I was coughing and getting sick.  Michelle rushed towards me and climbed over me in no time. Then she started patting my back to make me relieve from my cough.  Apparently, she learned that from me when I did it to her every time she was coughing hard.  Her little hand reached my forehead to feel my temperature.  And she ran to grab a glass of water for me.  At the same time she brought the blanket and tried to cover me up with it.  Oh my goodness!  Can you imagine how cute and sweet it was?  I was just so speechless!

No exact words to express how I felt yet I was so touched and ecstatic by both of their gestures.  It's just so priceless!

Whenever you shed your tears, those little extra pairs of hands are always there to help you wipe it.  How's soothing!! Parenting is such a rewarding experience and it makes you feel like everything you've done for them seems so worth it.

They completes the definition of love and love is always just in the air around you.

Their love, their touches, their kisses, their companies are just sweeter than any sweet in the world.  Can't ask more.  Really!!

They are the hope of your life and it's one of the essential reasons to keep your life going.  Just seeing those little ones who are a part of your flesh and got your blood running inside them alone can make you feel so amazing!!

You pamper them today and I believe they will pamper you back when you grow older and become needy. I've been seeing lots of examples around me for such returns even though I'm not counting on or expecting them for any paybacks or returns.

Just like my late beloved little aunt who was a single told me, "You get the freedom for whatever you want to do and suffer it when you grow older as there's no offspring or anyone who can actually devote and take care of you when you're really in need.  Or you could sacrifice your freedom now but get the fruitful returns when you grow old."  She added that "I recommend you to get married and have a family instead of suffering from being loner which becomes more and more obvious as you grow older".

Her words become more and more making sense as I'm experiencing it.  One of my coworkers who is a divorced mom always comes and share her joys whenever she gets the care and whenever her son tells her that how he would protect and take care of her for the rest of her life once he's grown up and got a job.  I absolutely can feel the sweetness she's consuming!

There's no doubt about a huge difference between "Life with kids" and "Life without kids".  Either one has pain and gain.  Everyone has their own choices and preferences and I of course have no offense for those who continued to enjoy their lives of being single and alone.  However, I got my own pick and it can't be happier with my choice.

Love and family is the most precious item I've got and I'm nothing without them.  There got pain and countless sacrifices but I personally feel they are nothing compared to the gain.  The bliss my kids bring to my life is the essential euphoric medical intake for both of my hubby and me which compensates our exhausts and such and also recharges our busy life to keep it going.  They are our biggest motivators who make our worlds go around.  It's just so rewarding and life is good and sweet.  That's all I gotta say!!!! :D