Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Before an uninvited guest has knocked on our doors...

"Death" is something unpleasant and I don't think that anyone want to talk about it.  There are exceptions like monks and certain people though.  But a lot of us tend to forget it because no one really wants to die. 

But there are times like family, friends or loved ones' deaths are something we gotta unavoidably deal with.  The recent death of my big aunt, my late big uncle's wife, brought "Death" once again to my attention.  When I talked with my youngest uncle about her situation during her last hospitalization days, it broke my tears again as it once again poked my old scar for my late parents.  I absolutely can relate and sympathize of how my cousins will be feeling for their mom at this one of the hardest times of their lives.

There's Buddha's teaching that everyone will die one day.  Along with that, all other thoughts and insights click my mind altogether once again.  I felt like I suddenly become more religious.  It just brought up most of the stuff which I learnt during the summer Buddhist camp  when I was a fourth grader.  A lot of times, we as human beings enjoy the materialistic things around us.  Wearing the nice clothes and pretty shoes and bags, enjoying the compliments we've got from people around us for how great we look or how great we're doing, dreaming of a big and gorgeous house to own, etc, etc.  The list of items which we care and our wish list, both of which appears to be materialistic are so long and it just goes on and on and on...

But how many times and how many of us do care about helping others around us who are in need?  From the small things like holding a door for a mom with a stroller who is struggling to get through the door by holding it with one hand while trying to push the stroller with another one ?  And do we really care about those who are starving and thinking of sharing what we have with them, in terms of money donation or whatever we could?

A lot of the times, we care ourselves so much that we get ourselves lost in this materialistic jungle and the core values of life such as kindness, being helpful, etc have been overlooked.  Our mind is poisoned unconsciously with Greed (lobha), Hatred/Anger (Dosa) and Delusion (Moha), Pride (Mana) and Jealousy (Irshya).  Those five main different kinds of fire are burning inside us without being aware of ourselves.  Those are the main sources of our unhappiness and uncontentment. 

I used to hold griefs and grudges for people who did bad or treated me bad.  Whenever I happen to think about what they did to me, it makes me really mad again.  It's one of the main aforementioned mind posioners, Dosa (Hatred/Anger), isn't it?  During recent years, I had learnt to let them go.  I come to realize that I could have diverted my energy to use on other beneficial stuff for my life instead of getting it burnt by these kind of unworthy things. 

When "forgiveness" couldn't be the solution, "Let it go" and "Move on" are the two main resolutions I learnt during recent years.  And still my same old favorite quote "If you have a clean soul and get rid of your evil wills then you will get a good fate".  Speaking of "fate", I couldn't deny the fact that there got certain things in life where they are beyond our control for deciding our own fate. 

For instance, someone who is born as a deaf or a blind, they couldn't pick their fate for being a normal person just like others.  However, I'm a firm believer that the fate of most of the things in our life are determined by how we behave or gesture.  Newton's law states that everything has reflection.  Good things will have good reflections and bad things will do the same.

In summary, any of those materialistic things we're holding onto today means nothing when an uninvited guest comes and knocks our doors.  Can we bring anything with us when we're leaving?  Can we bring a beautiful girl or a handsome guy tile when we left?  Can we bring our favorite diamond ring or a Lamborghini with us when we're gone?  Nah!  But I think a clean guilt-free soul is something we can bring everywhere. Our uninvited guest could pop up at any point of time in our life and before he comes  we'd better behave ourselves.  Still the same old saying: "Life is short.  Live...Love...Laugh"  And when and while we live, keep ourselves up with a clean soul and get rid of those evil wills as much as we could.   I've been trying in the past as well but I now will raise the bars of my life even more by trying harder to always stick with this new motto of my life!  Bring it on!

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