Friday, August 3, 2012

London 2012

Olympics is right here and I'm getting so much addicted to it.  It's so amazing to see those young competitive athletes in all those games.  Most of the athletes are so young and they are only 16 or 17 years old.  Well, it's true for most of the games I've been watching.  Gymnastics Artistic, swimming, diving, and so on. 

At such a young age, they already know what they want to do and who they want to be.  With winning medals(especially Gold) for their representative countries on their shoulders, it's so much amazing to see how a 16 or 17 years old is coping with such a huge stress.  

Some of the games were so competitive that it was so breathtaking to watch them.  Between gold and silver and silver and bronze, it could be as worst as a fraction of a hundred of a second or a point difference. 

There's absolutely no doubt that the road to their championship doesn't come easy.  Years and years of intensive training, hard work, sweat and sacrifices of their personal lives were invested to become the world class.  Most of them started out like when they were 5 or 6 years old.  While other kids were relaxing and enjoying their lives, they might have been pushing their butt hard to become one of the best of the best.

It was kind of shocking to read about the news of famous Chinese synchronized diver, Wu MinXia.  Her family kept her grand parents' death including her mom's suffering of breast cancer from her until after her gold medal.  Their huge success comes with a great tradeoffs too.

There's even no doubt that how Micheal Phelps's mom would feel incredibly proud of her son's phenomenal victories in all those games.  Those athletes and their success stories are so inspiring.  However, I'm not sure I want my kids to pay such a high price for their personal life for such success.  I just don't have the heart to bear to see them doing it.  The injuries they gotta suffer from time to time during their intensive training have not even been factored in yet.  Oh well, there's no such thing as a free lunch, right?  No pain, no gain!!!!

Nonetheless, I really enjoy watching those amazing games just like millions or billions of other viewers.  Part of the reason why this week has been so tough and long was that I was putting all my spare hours on watching them, :P  I just wish that NBC would shift the schedules for the broadcast times of those games a little earlier so that I don't need to stay up until mid night.  Those amazing athletes give their best for each of the game they are competing and I am also giving my best patronizing them.  As much as London's excited to host those vibrant games, I'm excited to watch them as well.  Oh well, my Olympic games fevers!!

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