Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cure for Shopaholic Syndrome?

One of my favorite things to do is shopping.  Which girls don't like it anyway, right?  Well, I've come across a couple of those who are not really into the shopping so...  Anyway, I'm speaking for myself and shopping is one of my passions.  Yeah, yeah!  I'm one of those girls or whatever you call me.

Just the other day, I've come across this article on Yahoo! and it really made me to testify whether I'm a shopaholic?  I couldn't escape from a lot of points mentioning there and I'm a shopaholic of course as you might have already guessed :P

Just this morning he was telling me that closets at our place weren't large enough to accommodate all my stuff.  That's why I need California closets and I'm glad that we happen to be in California.  Thanks God! LOL :P

There got lots of items with tags still on in my closet.  See!  That's one of the shopaholic signs of the aforementioned article, isn't it?  Shopping is my relaxation, my enjoyment and yes it's my entertainment as well :)  When I'm stressed, frustrated or tired, I need window shopping online to make myself relieved from them.  It works for me most of the time, if not always.  Of course, there got times when even shopping could not cheer me up though. 

Luckily, I'm not a very obsessed shopper who always need to buy something but just looking and drooling over stuff could satisfy me most of the time.  Good deals always turn me on though.  :P  This really contributes a lot to my shoe shelves for adding more pairs to them.  A Junkie Me(hot deals addict or coupons queen or you name it :P), a Shoe Lover and a Shopaholic, they all are linked together, aren't they? :P  And even California closets give me up for loading them up with way too many stuff.  :P

I still remember those days when I teamed up with a very good and close friend of mine and shopped til dropped.  We literally started out like 10:00am in the morning and when we got back home it was about 10:00pm.  Believe it or not!  And my feet were super ached and killing me that I could not even wear my favorites wedges for a day or two :P

With that momentum, Singapore's shopping paradise, the famous Orchard Road, left us no fresh places to go :D  And I still remember those crazy yet carefree my college days where we (my other two close friends and I) often skipped lectures to cruise around different shopping malls.  "Window shopping" was a pretty fancy term for us as students with slim wallet. 

You know what?  This world needs people like me, especially for the current economy downturn, to stimulate it.  LOL :P 

Recently, I come to my senses that when those little things which I acquired through the good deals that I'd thought really add-up.  Just like a dime seems nothing but when tons of dimes are added-up, it could make big $$$$.

With that said, currently I'm in the process of looking to adopt my new passion or hobby, LOL :P  My enjoyment of shopping is already imprinted to the bottom of my heart or head so I don't think that I could get rid of it completely.  I'm just merely trying to find a way to divert my passion into a different perspective so that I could downgrade myself to a shopper from a shopaholic.  Simply put, I'm just trying to find a shopping substitute. 

The thoughts that I should prevent myself from being a shopaholic has already clicked my mind for a while.  And when I came across the aforementioned article on Yahoo!, it motivated me even more and my revelation followed. 

I'm on my way to rehabilitation.  If you're a shopaholic like me, think twice and think over yourself again.  It's never too late to change you know? :D

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