Friday, September 28, 2012

iOwn, iHeart, iUse and iEat Mac!

First of all, when you're thinking about Big Mac from Mc Donald's, I know where you usually end up for your meal :P  And it's not Mac-and-Cheese either :)  What I mean here is Macintosh.  It's A-P-P-L-E in other words.

Apple is something which got fascinated since Adam and Eve time.  But who knows that it'll still get influences and will still be fascinated for generations to come.  Thanks to Apple's father, Steve Jobs, who created jobs for people out of (an) apple as his name suggests :P
I'm always fascinated by White and thus design innovations in white by Apple is always eye-catchy to me.  They really make me love at first sight.  I still remember myself seeing the first time of those gorgeous white Mac PCs which was displayed at a computer exhibition and it couldn't get out of my mind.  But with a thin or flat wallet as a student, it was something I could only have dreamt of.

So, when i-Products revolutionize the gadget world, it's no doubt that icrazy about them.  Then, iBuy, iOwn and iPatronize those iPhone, iPod and iPad and iXXX. 

When my ex-boss was getting an office cell for me, ideviated and idecided to get Android instead of iPhone4S out of curosity to see what an Android has to offer.  iAdmit that Droid got more features, functionalities and ifancinize voice-command feature and voice-prompted Google navigation system.  But iFind that iProducts are much more intuitive and easier to use.  iPrefer and thus iStick with iProducts. 
iBrag about the new iPhone5 here :P

Now that, iPhone5 just came out and imanaged to get one for him.  ihaven't really explored it yet but ilove it so far for being lightweight, Siri and voice-prompted iMap, which is very similar to voice-prompted Google map which ilove from Android.  Being a lot lighter in weight than iPhone4 alone is making me to get one for myself as well.  Especially when the middle main button of my current iPhone4 doesn't work all the time, it makes me in the midst of iHate and iLove of my iPhone4.  Anyway, when iheart and ifascinate by them, iforgive and ioverlook any flaws or downsides they might have. iKnow, iKnow, iBaise :D

Just like that, iInsist and iGo on fascinating iProducts.  iBuy, iOwn, iFan, iUse iPhones and iProducts which are otherwise known as Apple(s).  OH, Ah!  And WAIT!!!! iEat Apple(s) too, LOL :P

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