Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thanksgiving is right here.  Sophie's Thankful Performance at her school on the other day just popped up on my mind.  There was power point slide show of answers of the question "What are you thankful for?" of each kid.  Sophie was thankful for Daddy, mommy and Michelle for the love she received.  Kids all came up with different reasons: there got one who was thankful for sky, or for their stuffed animal, or to their little puppy, and so on. 

It suddenly makes me wonder what I'm thankful for?  I've been really busy lately and tend to get so cranky and grouchy whenever I become exhausted.  A lot of times I ended up with loads of thoughts which made me upset.  It was a different me who was overlooking appreciation.

In fact, I'm thankful to Buddha for having me as a human being in this world and also for all the blessings which I've been getting.

And I'm thankful to my late parents for their endless gratitude, sacrifices and love towards me. 

I'm thankful to my husband who plays all different roles for my life, not only as a husband, but also like a dad, like a big brother, like a teacher, like a guardian, like a supportive companion.  Simply put, I'm thankful to him for being a guiding star of my life.  Without him, I could have lost several times during those life battles I've been fighting.

I'm thankful to my two wonderful adorable angles who make me learn new things every other day as a motherhood.  It's the most challenging and toughest job at times but it's also the most wonderful and rewarding role of my life.

I'm thankful to my family.  Without you, I'll be a loner.  With all of you and your love, my life is so green and I can't ask more.  Really!

I'm thankful to my job for making me feel independent and keep my life going.

I'm thankful to my relatives for giving me a hand whatever they can.

I'm thankful to my friends for all the laughter I got from them.

I'm thankful to all those good days I got for bringing the happiness to my life.  At the same time, I'm also thankful for all those bad and challenging days I got for making a better, stronger and more experienced me :)

And such and such and such...

Most of all, I'm thankful for who I am, what I am, where I am

I'm actually truthfully thankful for every single thing I have.

And last not least, I'm really thankful for this thankful and appreciation thoughts that I suddenly got which makes me feel so good and happy.

I guess I need to repeat or must not forget these wonderful thankful thoughts which can cheer me up whenever I feel down.  They do really make me optimistic.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!   Let's not forget to be thankful and appreciate what we get and whomever deserve it!!!!

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