Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Mom's Concerns - 1

 The thoughts which occupies my mind the most lately is about Sophie's kindergarten.  Yeah, I'm still having the kindergarten headaches for her.  It turns out that she could not get into all schools which are on the topmost of my list.  Ah...  Why don't things go smoothly?   Well, I don't really want to send her to the school over by our place where she has been assigned to go.  Its API is not even quite 800.  Compared to those in Davis which range from the mid 900 to the early 800, this definitely is far inferior.  Again, whether she could get into one of them in Davis is uncertain at the moment due to the fact that the budget cut , teachers being laid off, less classes, etc.  This economy downturn does affect each of us. 

As a last resort, I'm now seriously thinking to send her to Merryhills, which of course will cost us much more.   Will it really worth to invest such a big money even for her kindergarten?   I was thinking to put aside those money for their college expenses instead of putting too much for pre-college.   As long as she is in a school where it's safe and she could get a regular education just like most other kids do then will it be well enough? 

Why do I even care so much about the API of the school?  It's just a kindergarten and I could still do a close supervision to her so that I could make sure that she would be doing as good as or even better than those students in Davis schools?   Wait a minute!  The elementary school where I went to might be even much worse than the one over by our place in terms of the academic ranking and other perspectives.  Over there, we didn't have API to measure of course.   Even then, with my mom's close supervision and care, I got the rank1 for almost every grade in my school and won first prizes almost every year.   Then,  why am I thinking so much and making it bigger than it seems?  Oh, my brain hurts.

I know she's a really smart girl.  She was well advanced than other kids.  She was already excelled in walking and even climbing the high places at the age of 10 months while most of the other kids were still striving to learn to walk.  When she was not quite 2 and a half years old, she mastered and was able to sing a lot of nursery songs as I sang them to her almost every night.   When she was a little over 3 years old, she was able to say A through Z and counting 1 to 10 whereas one of my friends' son barley knew a,b and c.

For example, today's incident is an evidence.   We were at Half Moon Bay State Beach.  Both Sophie and Michelle were building the sand castle.  As I forgot to bring the sand kits and buckets, they weren't able to water the sand castle for molding.  Then Sophie came to me and asked that she wanted to use the drinking water bottle in my hand.  I told her firmly that it was just for drinking and not to water on her sand castle.  She stared at me and agreed unwillingly.  Then she drank a lot of water full of her cheeks and spit it out on the sand castle.   When I saw it, I could not quite believe it was a 4.5 years old.  I wasn't sure I was that smart when I was her age.

Therefore, I really wish to maximize all her smarts and talents.  I do really wish that she could go to the one of the topmost universities in this country to where I didn't get an opportunity to attend.   The education is the only thing we could provide to them and which go along with them all their life.  If you ask me then I would say that what I managed to get well  most is my education and thus it's my profession which could make me stand on my own foot and make my living for the rest of my life.

Recently, he showed me a news of a Chinese immigrant or an ABC kid who got acceptance from all top universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Yale, etc.  And his father in no doubt is a professor of course.   And he really knows what is the best to give to his kid and his son has such an outstanding career and life ahead.   I could imagine that the ecstasy and the feeling of pride he would be having for all his son's achievements.    This really makes one to envy enough!

I know.  It's a mutual understanding and coordination between the parents and the kids to gain such a great achievement and a fruitful outcome.  I've seen that there got cases where parents put so much heart and made the ways for their kids but they didn't follow well so it didn't turn out good.  Also, there got cases where kids did a great job by finding and making their own ways without or with little support from their parents.

And I do believe that if the parents put all their hearts and efforts and make the best ways and supports for their kids and the kids also not only follow well but also make their ways even better by their own motivation will lead to the grand outcome like the aforementioned Chinese kid.    It's not easy though indeed.

It makes me realize that I definitely need to put more effort and time for their future and life in every perspective so that they will always be on the right track.  It's a well known fact that interactions with human beings or the human management is one of the most challenging jobs.   Parenting where the communication plays a crucial part with the kids therefore is a very challenging job indeed.  It's like I need to know which weapons to use during the different courses throughout all our communications so that a successful outcome will always be the case.

Oh, it's still a long way to go.  I definitely need to devote much more time on them and do the best for them.   When they are young, I believe that parents play the key role for molding and guiding their future and what they should be doing and what they will be doing.  Because they don't know what is right, what is wrong, what is good and what is bad.  So it's entirely up to the parents to train their kids in the way they want to be or neglect them and let them grow in their own ways.  It's not an easy job, to sacrifice my personal times to devote to them.  But I'm on.  That's what it's called to be a "mom" I guess.

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