Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just one little attitude... But it could make someone's day

Mornings are the beginnings of every new day and I believe that it's important to have a pleasant one to begin with. I was pretty annoyed this morning as it was almost spoiled by this mean administrative lady.  I was turning in the kindergarten application to the elementary school in our district where Sophie is assigned to attend this morning.  And there I met with this mean one from the registration office.  She gave me unfriendly face and treated me unpleasantly.  Of course, I was trying to be polite and nice as I'm submitting the application of my daughter.  Who want to have a bad relationship with someone from the school her daughter will potentially be attending?  The way she put her face was like it seemed I owed her something.  It's not my first time meeting with such kind of people but every time I encounter them it somehow disturbs me and make me wonder why they could not do better and treat others nice.  I've seen a lot of such similar people at DMV.  Of course, we have no way but just have to deal with them since we have to get our business done and there is no other alternative and they are the only ones who can get our business done.  But I don't think people gonna appreciate them and some people might even curse to them in their mind. 

The other day, I was at the office of the school district in our area to apply the inter-district school transfer form for Sophie so that she could apply for schools in the city where my husband is working.  Christine, who is the administrative lady, over there was so nice.  She was very helpful, patient, attentive and informative. She was trying to help me as much as she could.  I had asked her tons of questions and she not only patiently answered all my questions, but also was trying to give me much more details than what I had asked her.  When I walked out of the door of her office, I felt so grateful to her and felt so appreciated for all of her help.

It's just one little attitude which made such a big difference.  They both are doing the same thing.  They are just doing their job.  On the other hand, they are helping people to get their job done.  But one with a good heart but another doesn't.  They don't understand that it's just one little attitude but it could go extra miles.  It could make someone's day.

At my work, whenever my users request me something, I try my best to help or respond them promptly.  Whenever my users told me that how great I am and show their appreciation to me in several different ways, I could not even express how pleased I feel.  These are the motivations which keep me going.  And I'm always glad that I could help. It's like not only I'm getting my job done, but also I'm helping and making someone happy.  It's like a mutual gain and it's a win-win situation. 

So, why could not some people get this?  Just one little attitude... But it could brighten someone's day.  Bring it on, people!

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