Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our Guilty Pleasures

Guess what?  Today is a special day for both of us.  Our anniversary day?  Nope.  It's just a day when only two of us got a chance to exclusively spend time together for a couple of hours after such years.    Oh wait! Okay, I lie a little bit here.   In fact, he came and picked me up from my work and took me out for the lunch at Chevy's located by Sacramento River last week just before my birthday.   We got an exclusive hours of lunch for just two of us by then.  

Anyway, back to the point why it was being a special day for us.  Well, it's a Cesar Chavez Day today.  And yes, it's the holiday for both of us as well.  I know, most of you out there do not get it as a holiday.  Even my aunt who works for the SF City does not get it as a holiday and she envies me that I get it as a holiday.   And what even better is that he gets it as a holiday as well.  And, it also turns out that it's not the holiday of the girls' preschool.   Therefore, we have decided to do some guilty pleasures just two of us while the girls are schooling.  :P
Comfortable Sophie in dentist chair
Sophie with her teeth being cleaned
Freaking Michelle in dentist chair; She was sitting there all by herself until the dentist came in

In fact, it started as a busy morning with the girls though.   I had made the dentist appointments for both of them as it's our holiday so we would not need to rush to work after sending the girls to the dentist.  And a medical check-up report is also needed for Sophie's kindergarten application and I happen to get an appointment for her check-up this morning as well.   It was the very first visits to the dentist of both of them.  Sophie was doing great with her dentist but Michelle freaked out and she would not sit without having me putting her on my lap.  And she didn't open her mouth quite well and kept grabbing me so tight all along.  Oh well, she's still too little for the dentist I guess.  Anyway, after taking care of all these stuff, we sent them off to their preschool. 

And the exclusive hours started after stepping out of the preschool.   When he asked me that where I wanted to go for the lunch, it kept my brain busy for a while.  I wanted to go to Black Angus for the steak but there is none in Davis unfortunately and we needed to travel all the way up to Vacaville.  It would not be that bad but I had decided just to go to a restaurant in Davis so that it would save some commute time. 

There is this Thai restaurant which seems to be very crowded every time we passed by and it just happens to be the next of the movie theater we would be watching the movie.  So, there we go.  We had lunch there.  The food was not bad and it has a nice setting as well.   I got Shrimp Pad Thai with the chicken satay which I thought it was good.  He is a noodle lover and decided to get a glass noodles soup.  He said his noodle was just so-so.   I tasted it as well and I had to agree with him.   Anyway,  we got a nice and quiet quality together and we both were quite satisfied with it already.

Then, we walked to the movie theater which is just the next door and it had not opened the door yet.  When I peeped through the glass main door which was locked I saw some staff.  And he called there and they said they would open only at 12:30pm. 

Since we still had a little more time and I was also craving for the dessert, particularly the cheesecake, he took me to "Ciocolat" which is famous for dessert and cakes for cheesecake hunting.   It was quite a walk but they didn't have the cheesecake unfortunately.

The white chocolate strawberry mousse was quite tempting but I had decided to pass it.  Then he took me to a couple of other coffee and pastry shops including Peet's coffee on the way for our continued cheesecake hunting but no luck.  Oh well, I get it.  Perhaps I was destined to be on a healthier diet today.  So, just let it be.

White Chocolate Strawberry Mousse cake;  I know it's salivating.  Too bad I passed it :(

When we got back to the theater, it was just about the time and we managed to get two tickets for King's speech.   In fact, I was betting between Adjustment Bureau and King's Speech and finally he made a call.  As I didn't manage to get the cheesecake and to quench my thirst from the walking, I got the huge cherry freeze.  Oh my!  When we first got into the theater,  there were only two of us.  LOL... Gradually a couple of other people came in and there were totally 8 of us in the whole room.  Oh, yeah I had nothing better to do so I did the total headcount in the room.  It was a nice movie and no wonder it scored a couple of Oscars including the best picture and the best actor for Colin Firth.  

After we got out of the movie, he asked me what else I wanted to do and I had decided to go and pick the girls up and bring them out to Arboretum.  As we already had a quality time together so we decided to spend some quality time with the girls afterward.    This way, we would not feel so guilty for our earlier pleasures.    They both were so excited when we went and picked them up early.

We brought them to the Arboretum by the Borders.  As always nothing else could convince Sophie more than reading the books, she requested to spend time at Borders.  So we spent quite some time at Borders' kids section and read the books.  After that we walked along the Arboretum.   They were so happy with the bubbles blowing the park.  Four of us walked pretty far.

As girls were tired and everyone was starving on the way back, we decided to stop at "BJ's" over by our house.  Well, I had the free Pizookie coupon for my birthday and how could I pass it?  :P  It was crowded as usual.   And we called it off with their famous Pizookie desert .   Due to the long walk today, they both fell into asleep so quickly tonight.   And it was such a nice day off and we both had both guilty pleasures and non-guilty pleasures.  Happy Cesar Chavez Day!

Daddy and Sophie having a very good time at BJ's

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